Crochet Hook Sizes and Types-  The Ultimate Guide

Different crochet hooks

Getting to know the sizes and types of crochet hooks available on the market can make a big difference as you learn to crochet.  By learning the parts of a crochet hook and different sizes and materials can help you better understand the ways that projects and the process of crochet can change when you … Read more

What Are Long Crochet Hooks for?

White crochet napkins

When I was first introduced to crocheting, my great-aunt gave me a bunch of hand-me-down crochet hooks in various colors, materials, and sizes. While most were the same length, I wondered what the long crochet hooks were for. After a bit of research and a phone call to my aunt, I learned that there is … Read more

What Crochet Stitch Works Up the Fastest?

Woman in a crochet sweater

After several long weeks of crocheting and sewing, and I finally assembled a beautiful granny square afghan. However, my work wasn’t done. I needed a border, and I wanted to crochet it fast. Yet, I didn’t know whether a single crochet, a double crochet, or a completely different stitch work be the quickest choice. This … Read more

What Size Crochet Hook Do I Use? A Guide to Hook Sizes

Violet ball of yarn

So you saw the cutest little crochet teddy bear online and you say to yourself, “I can totally do that.” Then you realize that crocheting isn’t as simple as moving a needle back and forth on a piece of yarn. But you figure, what the heck, let’s go all in! Where do you start? Well, … Read more

Why is Crocheting Faster Than Knitting?

Wool Threads

Most people experienced in both knitting and crochet will tell you crochet is much faster than knitting.  In fact, one of the things beginners love most about crochet is how quickly you can complete projects. So why is crochet faster than knitting?  Crochet is generally faster than knitting because the stitches are larger.  Crochet is … Read more

Do Crochet Machines Exist?

Embroidery Machine

If you’ve been crocheting for a while or if you’re just developing an interest in yarn crafts, you may have wondered if crochet machines exist.  We have sewing machines and looms to create other types of fabric projects, so it’s natural to wonder if there’s a machine to automate the crochet process. Do crochet machines … Read more

Does Crochet Hook Size Matter?

A backet of balls of yarn

When first learning to crochet, one of the questions I asked my instructor was “Does it matter what size crochet hook I use?”  Based on the look on her face, the answer was clear: The size of the crochet hook does really matter to the outcome of your project.  Both in crochet and in knitting, … Read more

7 Excellent Crochet Books for Beginners

Seven books

Does crocheting take you back to a time in your childhood and stir up bittersweet memories and a warm fuzzy feeling? Do you love the idea of crocheting but need some help getting the hang of it? Then you need the best how to crochet book for beginners, to help you nurture this passion further. … Read more

How to Crochet Bikinis

Woman in the ocean in a crochet bikini

How to Crochet Bikinis: Step by Step Guide! Thanks to some of the world’s most popular swimwear designers, crochet bikinis are one of the trendiest items to add to your summer wardrobe. Rather than spend hundreds of dollars on a department store crochet bikini, if you’ve got a flair for DIY and know some crochet … Read more

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