7 Excellent Crochet Books for Beginners

Does crocheting take you back to a time in your childhood and stir up bittersweet memories and a warm fuzzy feeling? Do you love the idea of crocheting but need some help getting the hang of it? Then you need the best how to crochet book for beginners, to help you nurture this passion further.

But where can you find such a book? And how can you choose one? Well, luckily for you, we’ve got you covered. We’ll start you off with some information about how to choose a beginner crocheting book, after which we’ll discuss some amazing books on today’s market. So don’t go anywhere yet, read along:

Things to Consider Before Buying

Getting a crochet book isn’t easy, even if you’re a beginner, and getting the wrong thing can totally demotivate you. So what factors should you take into account before making this choice? Read along.


This is the most important thing before making any sort of purchase, not just a beginner crochet book. And that’s because there are various sorts of crochet books, written in various styles and that can be used in various ways.

Do you already know some stuff about crocheting but still have some questions about it? Then you need an easy-to-browse book that highlights tips and tricks, organizing your information for you. Are you a complete novice and don’t know where to start? Then you’re looking for a book with lots of patterns to try. Do you often find yourself lacking inspiration, but want to learn how to think creatively? Then you can try a book with various projects.


The information summarized in crochet books differs from one author to the other, and it also relates very well to your purpose for buying one. For instance, if you’re a complete novice, you need a book that provides you insights on all the tools you’re using for crocheting, as well as types of yarn, explaining the terminology right from the get-go.

We also love to see a complete glossary at the end of each book, and even brief descriptions of the stitching methods discussed in the book, which act as wonderful reminders. In fact, the best crocheting books for beginners offer complete information, written in a conversational manner, with short, clear phrases.

There are plenty of books written in a moralizing tone, that rigidly favor one stitching technique over the other. So from that perspective, we love books that are more flexible and that offer you the freedom to explore your own preferences.


There are various stitching techniques you can try, some of which are easier and some of which are more complicated. Some beginner crocheting books feature just the easier ones, while some feature a mix of them organized in various sections.

But it all depends on what sort of person you are. If you’re picking up crocheting as a distraction, something that fills up your time and nothing more, having to deal with more complicated stitches can only demotivate you. On the other hand, if you want to improve and use this book constantly as you get better at stitching, it’s better to choose something that offers multiple stitching techniques.


The instructions have to be clear and easy to follow. Step-by-step instructions are the best, and we particularly love crocheting books that don’t miss steps just because the author feels that these steps are obvious.

We also love to see real-life photos of stitches since these help you figure out the more complicated parts, but they have to be big enough to understand. Of course, diagrams are another must, and these have to be easy to read and clear, so they shouldn’t be cluttered.

The best pictures are colorful, but we also love pictures that come in two colors, so you know exactly what your stitching side is. Obviously, the text and the pictures work together, and if you’re a beginner make sure that both of these can take the point across effectively and efficiently.

Patterns and Projects

If you are a complete beginner, you might appreciate some patterns and projects that help you finish your first creations. Having a variety of patterns is important to develop your creativity, so make sure they’re easy to customize according to your tastes. If the book also lets you know more about the types of yarn and textures that are better suited for these patterns, you’ve got yourself a winner!

Plus, when you’re choosing a book, it’s important to see which projects you’ll be able to finish. Some people prefer focusing on garments, while others love décor objects more, so it’s best to make sure you get the right projects for you.


Another important thing to consider is who the author is. So make sure you read a bit about their studies and expertise, to find out if they really have something valuable to teach you.

But the most important thing you’ll find out from this background check is if you like the author’s style. If you don’t like their designs, chances are you won’t like their patterns or projects either, and so you might consider their book a disappointment.


Budget is an important part of any purchase decision. So while generally, it’s best to stay on budget, buying a beginner crocheting book comes with its own perks. For instance, most of them are really affordable, so you don’t have to sacrifice the quality of information.

Besides, even if you want a more expensive book, there’s always the option of buying a used one that’s still in great shape. And even if that doesn’t appeal to you, it’s always better to spend some time-saving money and getting one book that will be useful for years to come, which equals to making an investment in your passion.

My Favorite Books for Crochet Beginners

Now that you know what you should be looking for before buying a good crochet book, let’s review some awesome books on the market. We’ll analyze each book below in terms of their best use, but we’ll also summarizing their downsides along with their upsides, so you can really make an effective choice.

The Crochet Answer Book

This book written by Edie Eckman is one of the best-reviewed crochet books for beginners mainly because it answers your most important questions about crocheting. It’s said that you need a lot of confidence in order to make it in the crocheting world more than you need talent. And this book has some knowledge that will enhance your confidence.

For instance, we appreciate the vast array of topics debated here, like the placement of markers and the ways to count stitches. But this book also talks about how to make good shapes, offering quick reminders all throughout its pages that are really helpful to skim before starting your work. However, this book is a bit difficult to keep open on your lap.

Most crochet books don’t offer such complete information about markers, stitch details or modular piece formulas, and we love that Edie Eckman included stuff about all that. We also love the concise diagrams with two colors so you know exactly which part of the stitch you should be working through. But more than that, we love how easy it is to get your answers fast thanks to the amazingly built index which comes like a breath of fresh air since this book does appear a bit disorganized.

You’ll also love all the information about yarn and other materials, hook sizes, stitches, gauges, reading patterns, and body measurements. You will even learn how to add beads when you’re done, which is great. Unfortunately, the only thing you’re not going to find here is patterns.

What I like about this book:

  • Answers lots of questions
  • Offers concise information
  • Discusses lots of topics
  • Is written in a conversational manner

The Complete Photo Guide to Crochet

This book by Margaret Hubert is another well-written, well-documented and inspiring book for novice crocheters. But the good news is that you will also be able to use this complete guide even after you become better because it also contains good advice for intermediate and expert crocheters.

Therefore, the first thing we love about it is how complete it is. You will become familiar with a plethora of different methods for crocheting, so each of your creations will be unique. Apart from that, each basic stitch is explained with thorough instructions, which is always good news for people who are just barely picking up crocheting. However, we would have liked to see more about how to weave the ends, and there’s also not much info on decreasing rows or changing colors.

And what’s more, you will get lots of different patterns to practice, along with 50 different projects that include clothes, accessories, and décor objects. That’s really helpful especially since these projects have full-color photos, while the stitch samples are very well charted. Besides, Margaret Hubert is renowned in the design world, with a vast experience in teaching, knitting, and crocheting, having authored 11 books.

What I like about this book:

  • Packed with info
  • Colorful and clear photos
  • Multiple stitching methods
  • Helpful diagrams
  • Patterns of practice
  • Multiple projects to complete

The Crochet Bible: The Complete Handbook for Creative Crochet

Sue Whiting, the author of the Crochet Bible, is a design consultant and works with well-known brands on the market, having had finished the London School of Fashion, so you can trust her expertise. She aimed to produce a comprehensive guide for beginners who are interested in mastering the art of crochet in order to think creatively.

And that’s what we love most about this book: it will help you think outside the box so you can make your own patterns, not just reproduce the old ones. In other words, thanks to The Crochet Bible, you can become an expert in no time.

We, therefore, like that you can use this book even if you’re not a complete novice. Besides, you’ll have lots of fun practicing various crochet techniques, and the thorough instructions are also complete with minute illustrations. In fact, the combination of real photos and diagrams is very helpful.

There are over 100 stitch patterns to go through, and that will keep you busy until you get the gist of it so you can make your own creations. Once you’re ready for that, there are plenty of tips to help you create unique designs, with your own patterns and colors. We also love that you get valuable advice about what materials are best suited, as well as about textures, and this book comes with over 30 projects to complete.

Apart from that, the stitch reference is really comprehensive too, explaining all the stitches you find in this book so you can refresh your memory. However, the downside is that these instructions and patterns are written in British English, so you’ll need to spend some time translating a few terms.

What I like about this book:

  • Comprehensive stitch reference
  • Helps you think creatively
  • It’s for different skill levels
  • Multiple techniques
  • Thorough instructions
  • Multiple stitch patterns and projects
  • Valuable advice about materials and textures

Crochet Stitches VISUAL Encyclopedia

Robyn Chachula is another crochet expert, and she has devised this great book for beginners who are looking for some inspiration before starting a project. That’s because it offers visual instructions for 300 patterns, so you can definitely find something that works for you.

In fact, the diversity of the stitch patterns you can find here is quite impressive. You can get basic stitches as well as lace or filet crochet, but there are also bobbles and colorwork. Each of these patterns has its own full-color photo, as well as a chart to make things easier for you.

And thanks to so many patterns, you can make your own combinations, so you can end up with fairly unique designs. Besides, all these patterns can easily be modified if you want to, and the sidebars help you navigate the more difficult bits.

On the other hand, the pictures featured are smaller than we would have liked, although they are very clear. The other downside is that the information below the photos isn’t well detailed, and there aren’t step by step diagrams to guide you through the more complex patterns. However, you can check out the glossary at the end for more clarifications.

What I like about this book:

  • Visual instructions
  • A plethora of patterns
  • Full-color photos
  • Charts
  • Boosts your creativity
  • Sidebars for the difficult parts

Complete Guide to Symbol Crochet

Rita Weiss has authored over 150 books about needle arts, and she’s on the Craft Yarn Council. Susan Lowman is also renowned in the design world, so they know what they’re talking about. And if you want to pick symbol crochet, but find it difficult to decipher the vast world of symbols, you can rely on their explanations.

This affordable book is really very handy too. You’ll find interesting details about the history of symbol crochet, which will simply fascinate you. Apart from that, the directory of symbols is quite comprehensive, and we love how easy to read the diagrams are.

The instructions are also easy to follow, concise and complete, and you’ll get those for 47 different stitch patterns. You’ll get all the basic stitches, but there are also increases and decreases, reverse singles, clusters, and picots, among others. And once you master all that, the book also offers nine different projects to enjoy.

The best part about this book is that it really makes symbol crochet look easy, though it’s considered anything but. Don’t get us wrong, this isn’t a stunning book, but it will certainly help you decipher the more intricate Eastern European or Japanese symbols. The only real downside is that not every symbol is represented in this book, but you still have a lot of options to choose from.

What I like about this book:

  • Affordable
  • Rigorous, easy-to-understand explanations
  • Interesting historical tidbits
  • Comprehensive symbol directory
  • Easy-to-read diagrams
  • Multiple stitch patterns
  • Multiple projects

Cute Easy Crochet: Learn to crochet with these 35 adorable projects

Nicky Trench, the author of this book, has more than two decades worth of experience in the crochet world, which is really quite visible in this wonderful book. That’s because her patterns are really interesting, and you’ll be lead through a variety of stitches to complete all 35 projects featured in this book.

And even if it’s named Cute Easy Crochet, this book can be of real help once you’re an expert too. There are a plethora of different crochet techniques you’ll enjoy here, and all the stitches are masterfully explained through very detailed instructions.

So you can make a springtime throw, hats, bibs, and blankets for babies, gloves, scarves or even a cherub dress.  All these projects are very colorful and lots of fun, but some of them, like the purses and bags, require a sewing machine. Besides, most of the projects here represent home décor, which can be a disappointment for people who prefer to crochet useful things, like garments.

What I like about this book:

  • Interesting patterns
  • A wide variety of stitches
  • Multiple projects
  • Different skill levels
  • Detailed instructions
  • Colorful photos

Crochet Basics: All You Need to Know to Get Hooked on Crochet

Jan Eaton is another renowned needlecraft artist and designer, who has been featured in different magazines. It’s no wonder that she chose to share some of her wide experience in this amazing book. However, although this book is for beginners, it’s not for complete novices because the terminology isn’t thoroughly explained.

On the other hand, it can be a great resource is you know the terms or if you’re attending a crocheting class. It can even be really useful for crochet teachers since the projects are so easy, you can finish them during class.

But more than that, you’ll know really useful stuff about tools used for crocheting, various types of yarn and you’ll work through multiple patterns. The pictures are very clear, and the step by step instructions are helpful enough for beginners, with various projects of garments and blankets. And the best news is that the price is quite competitive too.

What I like about this book:

  • Great resource
  • Easy projects
  • Useful information
  • Multiple patterns
  • Clear, colorful pictures
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Affordable

Wrap Up

We’ve taken you through a series of some amazing books for beginner crocheters, but, as you can see, they each focus on different things in the world of crochet. Hopefully, that, along with our initial buying guide, will help you choose the right book for your needs.

And now that you’re here, let us know what’s on your mind. What crochet books and tutorials have you tried so far? Which of these books sounds the best for your future projects? And what has gotten you into crocheting in the first place? Tell us your story in the comments below!

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