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  1. #771
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pixieglitter View Post
    Teri, I'm so glad the recital went so well! How did it work out with the little boy whose parents wouldn't let him wear a sequin top?

    I'd love to see some photos of the students in their costumes. If I lived closer, I would have been there! I was thinking of you last night and hoping it was all going good. I feel for the poor girl who fell off the desk. Poor thing. Stuff like that really "matters" to young girls, falling in front of so many people. I hope her head is better today and I'm glad she didn't get hurt worse.

    So show us some pictures!

    Well I gave the mom of that boy with the sequin top "problem" a choice of a blue t shirt the EXACT same blue or black. I said black would be ok since the other boys tackle him in the end and it would look like he was on a different team...Their number was great. The crowd cheered for them. I don't know if they cheered because it was an all boy number, because they threw and caught the football with doing acrobatic stunts or because they were cute LOL...but in any case the number went well. I hate to tell this parent but the boys will be combined with the girls next year since the class is so small...this stupid father will most likely pull his kid out completely....
    I will have to steal some picutures from Facebook that the parents have posted and I will post them
    Dance is the hidden language of the soul

  2. #772
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pixieglitter View Post
    Good morning everyone, I hope you're all having a great weekend!

    I'm still shaken up about my son's car getting hit by a drunk driver in the wee hours of yesterday morning. I'm sooooo relieved he wasn't in it when the accident happened. Right after she hit his car, and the car behind his, she threw out a 24 ounce open can of beer. She was still drinking! His insurance company got him a rental car yesterday, and they upgraded him to a red sports car. He wants to buy one just like it now lol. He can't afford to buy a sports car but he's having fun driving it anyway.

    I'm still working on a major purge of my whole house. It's slow going for me. Yesterday, I bagged up 2 more yard leaf bags full of clothes.... that makes a total of SEVEN huge bags of clothes to donate! I'm not seeing a lot of progress, yet. I still have so much stuff to go through. But I am determined to get it all done!

    When I moved into my little house 4 years ago, I never really unpacked everything. I only unpacked the things I needed at the time. The rest sat around in boxes and bags. It was such a depressing time for me, I just couldn't face the unpacking. I'd just had a broken engagement, then my brother died from brain cancer, I put my youngest son in drug rehab - he was a senior in high school, then he moved out to live with my parents in South Carolina to finish his senior year, then my oldest son's beautiful golden sheppard came to live with me.... he was a vicious dog and attacked for the second time. I had to put him down. It just went on and on and on... I also lost my beautiful home that I'd had built 10 years before. It was such a difficult year for me.

    It was during that time that I picked up crocheting again and ended up joining Crochet Talk. People say it's their "therapy" and it really was mine. It helped me to keep my sanity and keep the depression at bay, plus I had the added bonus of making so many sweet friends on here. I'm so grateful for that.

    It still makes me cry when I think about that terrible time in my life. I don't even know why I'm telling you all of this. I guess it's weighing heavy on my mind since I'm finally unpacking and getting my house in order. It's been a long time coming.

    Anyway.....!!! I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! I'm having my coffee and then I'll be going through more STUFF!

    OMG Shelley....what a tragic time in your life...I am so sorry for all of that. But don't apologize for tell us sometimes things are hanging around in your head and you just have to rid yourself of them by talking...or typing in our case. You are a brave soul I see. Seeing stuff that has been packed away can trigger those times in your life...if it bothers you, rid yourself of them...I have stuff packed from when I moved here from NJ 8 year ago. Still packed in my garage. I can't unpack them if I wanted to. There is also dining room and kitchen furniture that I can not use here since I currently live in a single wide. It was supposed to be temporary until I sold our farm in NJ and we had the cash for a new house and land. But I am still here and the proud own of a vacant farm 6 hours south of here. The house have been broken into many times and trashed to the max. Chrystal door knobs stolen, holes in the walls, all the copper pipes in the basement stolen. Good thing the water is turned off....the back of the house had broken windows the basement has broken windows. The barn have been trashed....I could go sad...I just wish someone would buy the land and they could now tear down the house!!! So needless to say I know what you mean about unpack stuff.

    Just keep your head up and keep going
    Dance is the hidden language of the soul

  3. #773
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    Quote Originally Posted by DebbyR View Post
    Good morning everyone,
    I realize i don't come in here as often as i should. But I still have been busy crocheting, also planning on moving from Maine to Fla by Oct. We just don't want to do another winter up here. i cant handle the cold anymore with my fibromyaglia. So i have been busy getting rid of alot of stuff to our local thrift shop that helps out the community. I cant handle doing yard sales. i am not good with people face to face.
    I have been working on a mandalia design crochet afghan whew it has alot of new stitches. I like doing these so i learn the new ones.
    Well I have my grandson here so need to go keep him busy.
    Hi DebbyR
    I do know what you mean about the cold winters. I am in Central NY and we have long cold winters too. We get our first snow by Halloween and it snows right through to April....sometimes mid April...You are much more north of me and I know your summers are even much shorter than ours. I have camped in Maine several times in a little town called Harmony, just outside of Skouheagan (not sure if I spelled that right). I was there with my parents in the 1970s a few summers and again with my new at the time husband in 1978 and 1980. We loved it but had a hard time leaving family in NJ to live there. We just moved here in 2006.
    Dance is the hidden language of the soul

  4. #774
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    Quote Originally Posted by redhead View Post
    Gosh!! with all this talk about coffee I am going to have to go make myself some! I am in the middle of reading all the comments in this forum (first time I have opened it up!..AND WILL HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN I GUESS! Ha Ha Ha)! I think coffee is not so good for me and have almost stopped drinking it but here right back! OK! I'm back and I think there is a cinnamon roll waiting to be devoured too! I used to have a cup of coffee or maybe 2, every morning and then I switched to a big mug of mocha for a while. I like that iced too! I'm not so crazy about tea but it will do in a pinch! OK I have my coffee (flavored creamer always) and the roll and my cell phone beside me so I will continue reading the posts! XOXOXOXO Patty/redhead
    Hey are too funny!!
    Well coffee is my beverage of choice first thing in the morning while I open up this thread... but I do tea while eating breakfest...and that cinnamon roll sound GREAT! Send some my way!
    You will see we talk of random things here ...with me it is usually about dance and dancing school and the dancers....that is my in and day out...I love it though...I have been dancing since I was 3 ...I am 60 now...I teach about 22 hours a week and it keeps me young hanging around with all the kids all week....Tell us about your passion ....besides crocheting...
    Dance is the hidden language of the soul

  5. #775
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    Quote Originally Posted by redhead View Post
    Well girls and (and guys?) I am only on page 13. reading these posts! I will never catch up and it is now 12:47 AM on Sunday morning May 31st. I have to catch up on my "Reading thru the Bible in 1 year" . Also crocheting the bedspreads for grand children is not getting done very quickly. The dust is sitting on the shelves and TV, etc snickering at me saying "Clean me!clean me!" Gotta go,,]]..but I will be back asap! Patty/redhead

    Oh don't worry about the dust isn't going anywhere...mine never does...I am on a dirt road and when the windows are open the dirt comes in ...well there are only 3 houses on our road and they are far apart but one of my neighbors fixes 4 we get some traffic during the week...and in comes the dust
    Dance is the hidden language of the soul

  6. #776
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlye View Post
    How did the recital go? They are so fun. Both of my children were in recitals. I will have to find the pic that we got where they danced tog. in matching outfits that I made for them. That was about 45 years age. Talk about nostalgia. I had to set and figure out their ages then and now to figure that out. Hope all when well.
    Oh Charlye the show went well. Pixie requested some pics I have to steal them from the parents on Facebook and I wiill post some....

    Dance school is a good thing for kids...teaches them a little poise and grace, plus creates a family of friends that they could have for a life time. I still have a friend that I used to dance with from when I was 3 up to 25. We still keep in touch. I had another who became my best friend, and we also began dancing at 3. She became a Radio City Music Hall Rockette after high school until she had a stroke at age 43.... she died of uterine cancer at age 52. I was devastated. But I have to say my mom and dad did a good thing when they enrolled me in dance school back in 1958...LOL...I made life long friends and have been teaching dance since 1972 (age 17) and opened my first studio in 1978 with my husband...All that money my parents spent on lessons, costumes, competitions and the like did not go to waste for sure.
    Dance is the hidden language of the soul

  7. #777
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    Good Morning My Friends

    Pouring outside this morning! Ugh looks like a gloomy day. I am getting ready for summer classes to begin tomorrow. I only work Tues. Weds. and Thurs. for the month of June and then a week break before summer classes begin. Always moving!! Gotta at my age or I will become stiff. It doesn't take long believe me. I am "stealing" pictures to show you of the dance recital from Facebook. Pixieglitter (Shelley) requested some and of course I want to show you all!! But I won't bore you with too many just several of my favorites.

    The one I am posting today is of a lyrical piece called Corner. It is a song of how friends help each other when in need. This was one of my favorite pieces and the dancers and not all that advanced either, but they did a great job for their ability.
    Attached Images Attached Images Morning Coffee....Or Tea-corners-1-jpg 
    Dance is the hidden language of the soul

  8. #778
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    I wanted to share one more picture of the show for today ...I thought you would enjoy this one because it is so sweet. It is a portion of our Mary Poppins ballet. The main characters were all dancers age 12 and older but there was a younger class that danced to It's A Jolly Holiday ....after Mary Poppins and Bert Danced together, a young group ages 8 and 9, danced and these 2 were just part of the group of 8....just too cute.
    Attached Images Attached Images Morning Coffee....Or Tea-mary-poppins-jolly-holiday-jpg 
    Dance is the hidden language of the soul

  9. #779

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    morning cofee/tea

    I am at the office working on my first coffee with my tongue already hanging out! I had to get my May squares out that I promised and it is June 1st!! Sorry ladies. I sent you all messages to let you know the packages are in the mail today. Have a wonderful day all!!! Becky

  10. #780
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    Teri, the pictures are so great and everyone looks wonderful! The photos look professionally done. And I love the costumes!!


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