Good Morning Crocheters

Just would like to begin a thread for those of you who like to wake up and have a cup of coffee....or tea, in the morning and spend some time on CT. I do it every morning....I make my coffee, grab my laptop, sit on the living room couch and just have some fun before I go out to do my animal chores or throw clothes in the washer or make beds or have breakfast.

I am a working girl. I teach dance, my dream job from when I was a child. I can't think of any other occupation I would want to do more. At 60 years old, I am still at it 22 hours a week. Ballet, tap, gymnastics, jazz, lyrical and musical theater. Now don't get me wrong...I don't dance as I did when I was 20, but still kicking it!!

Join me in the mornings....grab your cup of what ever you enjoy, and lets talk .....about anything....crochet, your job, your pets (I love animals I am a vegan).... your lifestyle...I love getting to know new people!!!!!