Funny you should bring up this subject. I LOVE LOVE LOVE crochet, and I can actually feel a difference when I haven't crocheted for a couple days. Kind of an unsettled feeling. Which goes along with what is said about needlework changing your brain chemicals for the better, helping with depression, etc. However, after saying all that, I believe I've hit a wall. i have a bunch of projects that I can work on, but nothing I'm interested in doing, which is really weird for me. Most of the time I have to discipline myself to write down a pattern because I'm chomping at the bit to begin the next project! So I think I need a break, and I've decided to try my hand at needle tatting (the newer version where you work the stitches on the needle). I saw there was such a thing as cro-tatting, but not a lot of instruction on that. Then I saw that cro-tatting was really the same as needle tatting, except you use a tatting crochet hook instead of the needle. Actually I thought about this last year, but I thought tatting was done only with a shuttle, and the photos I saw put me off because I'm not so sure I'm that coordinated! My research also revealed that once you get good enough, the shuttle tatting patterns can be understood by a needle tatter, so I wouldn't be short-changing myself if I don't learn how to use a shuttle. On to new adventures!
Do you ever get tired of crocheting?-tatted-angel-jpg