Quote Originally Posted by amanda View Post
butterflyrose you be real careful we don't need anyone else getting hurt, We have done a little bit every other day, my husband and I get some help from boys sometimes and a lot other times. My 18 year old is job searching the 19 year old is tryin to finish high school, his mom got him so far behind and at end of freshmen year pulled out to homeschool him but never let him do his work or help him just nagged on him. We in 5 months have got him almost done, hopefully done by next month then he will graduate on stage in June. OOPS! i'm sorry got off track! You ladies are doin great I wish I could say the same. Keep it up but don't overdo yourselves.
I will be careful. Thanks for the reminder, it means a lot to me! I am taking my time as I'm decluttering every drawer, closet and cabinet in our home. It's a goal for this year! The boys in your family are blessed to be a part of your family. Family support is everything! You take care too and be blessed!