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  1. #111
    Jean Marie's Avatar
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    The Bus That Went To School

    Flowers were budding. Spring was here. Anna and I raced to get ready for school so we could talk to Mr. Bus. Honk! Honk! The bus blew his horn. “Good morning Sarah. How are you today? Good morning Anna. How are you? This is my favorite time of year. The sun is shining. The birds are singing.” “I like winter the best,” said Sarah. “So do I”, said Anna. “We can make all the angels we want.” Mr. Bus smiled. “O.K. we’re here.”

    “I wish you could come to school with us Mr. Bus,” said Anna as she left. On the way to their classroom Sarah heard something that sounded like tires screeching. “I’ll bet its Mr. Bus”, Sarah whispered to Anna as they entered the classroom. Five minutes passed. We heard a knock on the classroom window. Our teacher, Miss May, went to see who it was. No one was there.

    “ O.K. class. Who would like to show us what they brought for show and tell?” Billy raised his hand. “Alright, you may come up Billy.” Making his way to the front of the class carrying a box Billy said: “This is my pet frog.” Out jumped the frog. The class screamed. The lunch bell rang. Billy caught slippery Sam and put him back in the box.

    Anna and I went outside. “Mr. Bus!” Anna called. “Where are you?” “Over here,” whispered Mr. Bus as he was waiting to go down the slide. “Wee, this is fun. I want to do this again”, said Mr. Bus as he went down the slide. He went down the slide again but this time when he got to the bottom something happened. He was going so fast that he couldn’t stop. He hit a post. Then fell down the hill. Anna and Sarah caught up with Mr. Bus. “Mr. Bus, you’re losing a lot of oil,” Anna said. “Are you hurt?” “I’ve got a few bumps and bruises,” said Mr. Bus ‘but I’ll be alright.’ “I’ll go get some help. You stay here,” said Sarah.

    As Sarah ran up the hill she saw Susie out of the corner of her eye just about to fall from the monkey bars. “Here, I got you “she said as she helped her down. “Thanks Sarah”, said Susie. “Miss May, Miss May” called Sarah. “Oh, there you are. Mr. Bus is losing a lot of oil. Can you help him?” Miss May, along with some of the other teachers, got together a first aid kit and went to see what they could do to help. Billy and Susie had already arrived at the scene. Soon Miss May, along with the other teachers, arrived. As they started to patch him up, more and more students arrived until the whole school did what they could to help Mr. Bus. Someone had filled the oil tank. Others repainted the bus. Still others made sure all the parts were in working order. And some made sure there was enough gas. Honk! Honk! “Thank you. Now, everybody hop on and I’ll give you a ride back to school.” The bus was packed. “O.K. everybody ready?” asked Mr. Bus. And he drove them back around the hill to the school.

    There was about 10 minutes left of the lunch hour. Susie, Anna, Sarah and Kristen sat on the sidewalk eating their lunch. “Mr. Bus is a nice friend,” Sarah said. The bell rang for the class to go inside. “We are going to have a drawing contest. It will be in July. The judge will be someone from this class.” “Mr. Bus!” said the class as they jumped up clapping their hands. “I am going to judge these papers on creativity, spelling and neatness. The winner of this contest will receive this storybook: “The Turtle That Flew.” “My drawing will be the best”, Sarah said.

    “Mr. Bus”, Anna said; was that you knocking on the window?” “Yes, it was.” “I knew it.” As Sarah and Anna walked home that day, Anna said; “Mine will be better than yours,” as she ran ahead of Sarah. Soon the door of the house flew open. “Mom, tell Sarah that I can draw better than she can.” “You both can draw well. Now stop fighting.” “There’s a drawing contest at school. Mr. Bus is going to be the judge,” said Sarah. “Who is Mr. Bus?” asked Pat, their younger sister. “He’s our friend,” Anna said. “Well, just do your best and you’ll both be winners.” “I can draw better than you can.” “No you can’t. “Yes I can, “said Anna. “Daddy” Sarah said, who do you think will win the contest?” “Neither one of you.” “Why?” Because you’re fighting, that’s why.

    While everyone else thought that their drawing would be the best Kristen didn’t think that her drawing was very good. July came. The day finally came that the drawings would be judged. Mr. Bus told Kristen to come up to the front of the class and hold her paper up so all the students could see it.

    These are the roads of our lives.








    “Kristen, here is the book. The rest of the papers were good but Kristen didn’t say that her paper was better than the rest of yours.” “Thank you!” Kristen said as Mr. Bus handed her the book.
    That afternoon Kristen read her new book. “I can fly,” said the turtle but one day he flew too high and got stuck in a tree. He blew a whistle and birds came to his rescue. As the birds carried the turtle back to the ground something happened. “What’s all this white stuff?” the turtle asked. “I think people call it snow,” said Jay, the bird. “Thanks for the lift,” said the turtle. Soon it would be time to crawl back into his shell for the night. On his way home he saw some children making angels in the snow. “Hi! I’m Joe. Can I play with you?” “Sure”, Amy and Rose said together. Joe tried to make an angel but all he came up with was a star that looked like this:

    I can’t make anything,” cried Joe. “That star is good,” Amy said. “I want to make an angel though, said Joe.” It was getting dark so Joe flew home. “On the way home he heard the sounds, chirp, chirp.” Jay was winding up a music box. “Where’s the music coming from? Joe asked. Pointing to the music box Jay handed it to Joe. The stars were shining. Christmas eve was here. In the streets we could hear the bells ringing: PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL TO MEN. “Christmas is here,” Robin said as he flew by Joe’s house in the crisp, cool morning.
    Kristen smiled as she closed the book. She ran to the phone and called her best friend Sarah so she could share the story with her.


    ps. I tried to add pictures in with the story but not sure how to add pictures or if I can add pictures to the story like a picture of a bus, a star, angels, etc. unless it's in my file (I'm not sure how to put a picture from another part of the computer into my file/documents/my pictures) and Kristen's drawing( in the story) wasn't a drawing. It looks like I put a picture in my file before.

  2. #112
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    God bless America, land that I love.
    Stand beside her and guide her through the night with a light from above.
    From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam.
    God bless America my home sweet home.

  3. #113
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    God of my fathers, Holy is they name.
    Glory and praise be lifted up to you
    The righteous rejoice and sing unto thee
    For you O Lord, are worthy of our praise.
    I am nothing without you
    I am but dust and ashes.
    You are the creator of all things
    We are made in your image.

    My Heart was broken but you came and healed me.
    I praise you amid my struggles.
    My body is sick, tired, and worn,
    But my spirit rejoices in you.
    There are many who are against me,
    wanting to see me fail.
    Deliver me from my enemies and calm my spirit o Lord!

    I have struggled for so long. Lord bring me forth into your loving presence!
    Give me strength and wisdom to run the race in faith.
    Lord, according to your will, please end this period of distress, allow your blessings to rain down upon me.

    Lead me down the narrow path and never let me go
    Surround me with your holy presence , deliver and protect me from all evil.

    Sing unto to the Lord all ye nations, sing unto the Lord all ye believers!
    Praise and glorify Him with your gladsome voices.
    Play a song on our instruments unto our Holy Father!

    We lift your name above all nations, we glorify you above all things.
    I ask for strength to fight the battles of life each day
    Give me your peace Lord, that I may rest in thee.
    My trust is only in you O Father all glorious
    You are my guide my protector, the rock that I stand on. I depend only on you, the one who never leaves or forsakes us.
    Give me peace of mind Lord, Mold me and teach me to be the woman you want me to be.
    Seek my heart and mind and rid it of any evil, help become the person you created me to be.
    Dry my tears and take away all my fears.
    You know my dreams you know my heart, O Father it is only you that I seek.
    It is only you that I seek to please. Help me be your shining light to all. That all may see your love and glory! Amen

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  5. #114
    Butterflyrose's Avatar
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    Make Today A Good Day

    ~MAMBI inspiration card

    Kindness begets kindness. Enjoy life!

  6. #115
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    A Story About A Tablecloth

    Has anyone heard of this story?It's a story I read. It doesn't say who the author is but it's about a pastor and his wife who was repairing a church. there was a rainstorm and the pastor saw that the roof leaked. He bought a crocheted tablecloth to cover up the hole. A woman who missed the bus sat in the church - turns out she made the tablecloth. The pastor drove her home. There was a man in the congregation who asked where he got the tablecloth. He said it looked like one that his wife had made. the pastor drove the man to where the woman was staying and he saw the greatest reunion.

    It says it's a true story- submitted by Pastor Rob Reid.

    Google Rob Reid-story of tablecloth. Then after you google it, if you click on The Tablecloth- Beacon Media you can also read other inspirational stories. You can click on other ones about the tablecloth if you want or whatever you want to.
    Last edited by Jean Marie; 09-16-2016 at 10:18 AM.

  7. #116
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    What about the Christmas story about John 3:16 ? Have you read it?

  8. #117
    Poinciana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butterflyrose View Post
    Make Today A Good Day

    ~MAMBI inspiration card
    Very nice quote.

    When I saw the "MAMBI" it sort of startled me, Here in the southern climes of Florida a MAMBI was a revolutionary Cuban soldier who fought in an army against Spanish rule in Cuba. Long, long time ago . . . way before our times, lol!

  9. #118
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    A favorite quote . . . . as spoken by Jess Harper to Slim Sherman . . . "If it means I can escape from your cooking, I'll take 2 baths a day and six on Sunday!"

  10. #119
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    A quote of great promise and love . . . I believe it's from Isaiah . . . In the words of Jesus Christ... "Fear not, for I am with you always, even to the end of time.:

  11. #120
    Jean Marie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poinciana View Post
    A quote of great promise and love . . . I believe it's from Isaiah . . . In the words of Jesus Christ... "Fear not, for I am with you always, even to the end of time.:
    Hi Poinciana,
    Did you mean Isaiah 41:10?

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