Glad you got it. Still waiting on Sonetta to PM me & I'll send her a box also.I know you can bookmark patterns but don't know how to do that. Only know how to do bare necessities..Can't even put pictures on. Need my kids to come & show me Very slowly so I can write it down so I can understand it. Had a friend that got me started but she passed unexpectedly 2 yrs ago. Been friends over 35 yrs. My best friend. Not close to lots of people.Am shy in certain circumstances. Talk to much she told one classmate. She won't come to our get togethers once a month.Don't know why she thinks that as I hadn't seen her in 50 yrs.Came to class reunion. Saw & talked to her about 10 min & haven't seen her since. This was in2005. Takes all kinds I guess. I'm freezing . It's 60 here in Ill.Hope it warms up in the next 2 wks. I have a rummage on the 26 &27.Have fun with the yarn. Will send you another later after the sale.There is some chenneal out there & if it doesn't sell If you are interested I will send to you.Cat just joined me & is trying to sit on my hand.Must go It's 8:30AM here & need to get my garbage out to be picked up by noon.Enjoy!!!!