Life has been interesting as of late. I applied for disability and had it denied and I appealed it because I was treated badly. I have made a few things recently. Here they are.
I haven't been on in a long while.-dscn4196-jpgI haven't been on in a long while.-dscn4207-jpgI haven't been on in a long while.-dscn4213-jpgI haven't been on in a long while.-dscn4210-jpgI haven't been on in a long while.-dscn4215-jpgI haven't been on in a long while.-dscn4217-jpg

I don't have much yarn so I make things from what I can get a hold of. I stopped using acrylic yarn because It is bad for you. I still cannot confirm how much BPA is used in making the yarn and when you touch it all day, how much is entering your body. The softer the yarn I'm assuming he more chemicals including BPA. I am know only using natural yarns such as 100% wool.

This bunny I will be making for a craft fair this next Christmas season. I am hoping to make some money. I'm making them out of wool and will be selling them for $30. Wish me luck.

I haven't been on in a long while.-dscn4264-jpgI haven't been on in a long while.-dscn4267-jpg

This next one is Einstein the Lion, he was a labor of love.

I haven't been on in a long while.-dscn4253-jpg

I am no longer able to keep a website or a blog. I have been too sick as of late. So if anyone wants to contact me just send me a message.