I've been having fun working up different booties for my cloud 9 slippers, so much fun!

Cloud 9 slipper booties..-cloud-9-pink-slippers-jpgCloud 9 slipper booties..-tunisian-roses-garden-boots-jpg
Cloud 9 slipper booties..-10897859_1060439787314831_432291673405707977_n-jpgCloud 9 slipper booties..-cupids-sweet-hearts-cloud-9-crochet-booties-jpg

Cloud 9 Slippers...
Cloud 9 Crochet Slippers - Dearest Debi Patterns

Cupids Sweet Hearts Booties..
Cupids Sweet Hearts Crochet Booties -Dearest Debi

Tunisian Roses Garden Booties..
Coming Soon!

Tunisian Berry Booties..
Coming Soon! I need to get more red yarn to make the 2nd bootie.

~Happy Hooking~