I am very new here to this site and dearly love to crochet. Have been trying to find a small pattern to crochet for a very small hat or cap in army camo what it would be done in. I did find one pattern for a boonie army hat and worked it up. It is ok but a little larger than I would like. My grandson is coming home on leave from the Army this week and I wanted to make little army hats for everyone to wear who is going to be at the airport to greet him. I have red, white & blue ribbon to cut to attach. I have looked for fridgie patterns, doll hat patterns and can't find anything to use that is small enough for what I want. Blaine comes in on 12/01/11 and want to do this by Wednesday to have them all done. Can anyone help me with a link to a pattern? All help will be greatly appreciated. Really want to give him a super welcome home reception....Thank you so much