So...I have a 10yr old daughter and one of her friends that is frequently at my house seemed very interested in my crochet projects. She got some yarn and a hook and I said I would teach her. This made my daughter want to learn too and I have been working with them both and am very proud of their progress. Seeing them learn so easily made another neighbor girl want to learn as well and so I started working with her too. I think they all three have the basics down pretty well and have each made scarf to practice these stitches and though they may be a bit wavy from adding or skipping a stich or two now and then, they are very proud and ready to move on to reading a pattern and making a real project. My daughter and her friend want to make a hat and I found a simple pattern with a J hook and dc so that it will work up rather quickly (since the one problem we have had is that these girls are all about instant gratification and not very patient ) . The neighbor girl would like to make a baby blanket for her little niece/nephew that is due in May. I thought I would start her out with a v-stitch blanket? Does that sound like a plan? Any other suggestions?