This has been such a difficult time for me, and I honestly feel like I've forgotten sooo much in crochet. I'm still working on the wedding afghan for my son and his finance'. It's a mindless pattern, but it will be beautiful. Slowly but surely.

I finally got my gown, but no jacket came with it. As Mother of the Groom, I needed something. I looked, and looked, and just couldn't decide on what to make, or if it was too complicated to concentrate on right now. So I finally decided to make my own design out of broomstick lace.

I so wanted to get a really nice shimmery yarn, as my dress has no bling to it at all. (some roses though). But as the wedding is coming up, and I was afraid to order something I couldn't see, I settled for Vanna White's (Lion Brand) Glamour yarn in white/silver.

I'm working the whole length at once, so I feel like I'm walking around with one of those long poles with a feather on it! (I have it all on a long dow).

If it turns out like I think it will, I'll post the pattern for everyone. Just pray I get that and the blanket done. It has just been such an effort to crochet.

(Although I have been sick again, but on the bright side, my Parent's house will be ready to show on Sunday. It looks really good, but getting me very depressed seeing it so empty. One other bright note, #2 son is coming home tomorrow night til Sun. for the bachelor party!!!! I just can't wait to see him!

Ok, I should go back to this 280 stitch row!!!

Joy Ann