I have a pattern from Caron's website. Click free projects, the all crochet projects, the lacy jacket. I'm an intermediate crocheter, so I thought. I am having trouble with counting the V's and ch-2 spaces. I had to adapt the pattern for a 2XL. The pattern tells you to use size M from line 3-9 on for the 2XL size, just add 4 V's per line. In the pattern I have to refer back to medium lines, and some of the medium lines have me refer back to the small size. My question is this: I'm on 2XL row 6. which tells me to refer to S row 3. I'm supposed to have 47 V's. But if I increase V's by 4 for each line to Row 9, it says I'm supposed to have only 57 at that time. Well if I increase 4 in each of rows 7, 8, & 9, I end up with 61 V's. Anyone who can look this pattern up and help me translate it would be so wonderful.