I'm doing it. I'm taking the plunge. Out of need, yes, but mostly desire. I've read, listened, learned new stitches and about some of the marketing and things that go along with having a crochet business. I've been crocheting some items, etc., but need to work on some of the things I really want to offer.:

I still have a lot of work to do, including writing up my patterns, but I've been advised to learn how to work Etsey, and just get it out there. So that's what I'll be doing along with getting ready for the holidays.

So I'm asking any of you that do sell your crochet or have a craft business, if you have any tips, ideas, warnings, etc. I'm open to everything. I believe you can never learn enough and want to listen to other's ideas, or hear what works best for you.

It's that or get a job, and I may need to do both for now. I wish I had gotten this going sooner, but for many reasons haven't been able to.

And, I'm a big PROCRASTINATOR, so you can give me a push and remind me to keep on track if you want. I won't take any offense!

Anyway, I love this site. And will definitely let you know where you can find me on the web, and I will post links on free patterns (once I learn how to do it). (That's part of the problem. Fear of being able to do all the internet/computer things necessary to sell online. Although I do want to do some craft shows and could kick myself that I didn't get ready for the Christmas rush.

But no looking back. I'm scared, but I'm going to do it. Wish me luck. (I already got some encouragement when I joined, and I want you to know that was very helpful).

Happy Crocheting