Quote Originally Posted by dancingbaehr View Post
Hi Jean Marie,
I like your idea of the crochet group making items for hospitals and churches. But, first the ladies all need to know how to crochet. Some of them already do, but not all of them. It may take a while for them to get good enough to make big items. I don't want to start anyone out making a blanket, because it is too large. I think if they start with small projects like scarves, they will be more likely to stay with the craft. I know from my own experience that the large things can be intimidating. I have a blanket I started three years ago! LOL! It is more helpful and more fun to see your finished project quicker than waiting to finish a large blanket. Even lap blankets can take a lot of time, for a true beginner. But, I like the idea of making dishcloths to donate. Anything small like that.

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It sounds like you are teaching your friend the right beginner things. The only thing I can add is that she needs to know the proper way to hold her hook and yarn and to keep good tension, so her stitches will be even. Some people just can't get it right away. It all takes time. Learning to relax is also important. If you are too tense, your stitches will tend to be too tight. I haven't heard of the double magic ring. I'll look it up on YouTube. Thanks!
Keep me posted as to how your student does. Thank you for sharing your talent!
~~ Hugs, Jo
She says she thinks she knows how to do the sc now and that next Fall we can work on the dc.