This will be my attempt to post a photo along with my usual ramblings.

I finally grabbed the crochet hook and have started the "Simple" Scarf...which it really is once you get the hang of it. It only took unraveling the third row at least a half dozen times to teach my itty bitty little brain to do a double crochet st instead of a half double st, remember to add the Ch 1 in the middle of the cluster, quit putting 5 dc into a cluster instead of get the idea Good thing my hair is thick & white (no really, it is white in front) because I almost tore my hair out and/or had it turn white! LOL!

So, without further ado, here (hopefully) is a photo of my progress at around 3PM today. I'd probably worked on that puppy for about 4 hours...lots & lots of unraveling. The colors are off but my photography will improve.

I Have STARTED!  LOL!  ;D-simple-scarf-october-started-6-x6-jpg