Quote Originally Posted by spoula View Post
First experience I have had with bulky yarn.

I purchased for the first time a ball of bulky yarn and a large hook to accommodate the bulk of the yarn. I only purchased one ball of the yarn to see if I could make a blanket with it. It was difficult at first and my hands and back got really tired but once I got going it went ok and was looking kind of pretty.

I ran out of that yarn pretty fast and got another one but as I resumed my blanket. It was going a lot faster then the first ball of yarn (meaning that it was easier to crochet and I was not as tired) I started noticing that the yarn is the same color and the same lot number but felt flat. I didn't notice the difference in the store. As I continued with the blanket it started to get out of shape and the yarn looked ratty and not nice.

It looked as if the yarn had been used before and returned to the store or maybe ironed. I don't know but I have never had that happen to me before in all the years I have been crocheting. The first ball of yarn is very fluffy and the only thing I had happen in that one is while I was crocheting the yarn just stopped as it was cut and I had to reattach it to continue. (I did not tie it in a knot)

I was just wondering if any of you have had this same experience with yarn that is from the same lot and same color?

I am off to the store to purchase another ball so I can complete my blanket. I will take better notice that I am getting the fluffy one not the flat one.

Spoula, I am sorry you had a poor experience with the bulky yarn. My daughter just finished one with bulky yarn at Christmas time and it turned out beautifully. Perhaps your experience was just a quality control issue, but I would search for and feel the quality of the next skein like you are suggesting. Good luck and post a picture to share.