Quote Originally Posted by sandrane View Post
Hello, I am attempting the Whysper Wrap by Noowul Designs but am stuck on row 3! I am only counting 6 sc and I'm supposed to have 8. Where am I missing two singles? Thanks so much

CH1, SC in first dc, CH 3, SC in next dc, CH 3, in next dc make [SC, CH 3, SC], (CH3, SC in next dc) 2 times, turn. (8 sc)
Hi everyone! I really appreciate the discussion. I interpret the brackets as making those stitches in the same dc. I still came up with 6 instead of 8. After reading through all the responses, and going back to the project, I think it's just an error. I don't know if it's untested or not, but when I ignored the (8 sc) and moved on, it seems to be working out just fine. By the way, if you try the Wysper Wrap, the yarn is very unique (color changing). Don't pull from the inside of the yarn, pull from the outside. I learned that the hard way too. I've restarted this project more times than I can count, but I think it's going to be a gorgeous gift for a friend.

What a great place to hear from experts. Thank you very much.