Caron’s Simply Soft is a beautiful yarn for many projects. It was not working out well for the spider web design stitch I’m working on. This yarn tends to split a lot anyhow, and in my project it looked like a lot of snags had taken place. Decided to abandon the spider web using Simply Soft. Went to Hobby Lobby and got some “I Love This Yarn” sportweight. Red Heart sportweight is very similar. This yarn responds as if it had a life of its own…very springy and just glides through my fingers…and no splitting!
As dedicated artisans we’ve all done more than a fair share of rippits, or projects that go in the “I’ll never finish this!” category :-D

Even though the sport weight is thinner, and requires more rows to create length, my sweater is going a lot smoother and faster.

What’s your take?