Hi Barbara, and all of my friends that are still on here. I haven't been on here for a while but I am back at least for a while. I have a different Internet company I don't like them (also different TV company which I don't like either) probably going to change them again. CrochetTalk is so diffferent since I was on last. I hope I can get used to it . I will try to get on here more often.

I have fallen 5 times within the last year and half. It will be May again soon. That will be 2 years since I first fell. I have been going to the doctor pretty regularly and the ER a few times too. Getting old is no fun let me tell you. I have had a few scrapes and scratches. They keep adding pills to my pillbox and I will soon be over-medicated I am afraid!

I have a new 2016 Chevy Spark (which I love) and I drove the old 2000 leaky Buick to the junk yard! Good riddance ... EVERYTHING leaked! The dash lights didn't work right, every light was on when I drove it, speedometer did work but the thing that kept track of the millage DIDN'T keep track of the millage and the windshield was cracked. At least the junkyard paid me some money for that piece of junk! Can you believe I kept getting a card from an Auto Sales place for a recall on it. I told them if they wanted it , go to the junkyard and get it!

I haven't crocheted for a good while and have just started on another afghan. My wrist is still not quite right but I can get my finger tips together where I have to to crochet.

I have to get myself to bed ..getting late! Good night all! redhead/Patty