Hi dears! Its been a while. So sorry coz I have been a busy bee. So I'm just wondering if any of you know anyway to convert the crochet hook sizes... I've tried asking around here at the stores on how to figure out the conversion of Asian to US but all I get is blank stares. Here's a sample photo of my hooks..

How to convert Asian crochet hooks to US or UK ones
This is a two in one hook. The size says its 3 and 5 but when I compared it to a 3 or 5 US based sized one its very different. Its like smaller! So its hard for me to follow patterns using US sized hooks. I try the gauge but it comes out very different in the pattern. I end up wasting time trying out different hook sizes to at least be a bit similar to what the out come should look like. But usually I end up with a very different proportioned crochet piece which makes me frustrated and want to do all over again.

So if anyone has an idea on how to convert or have good advice, I would love to hear from you! Here's the hook picture next to a ruler to give you an idea of the size. Thanks so much!

How to convert Asian crochet hooks to US or UK ones