Hi everyone! I wanted to show you the stack of squares for my granddaughter's bedspread! I am ready to sew them together at last. Like I said every other square will have a green center and the rest will have a pink center! They are stacked , half on top has the pink centers and the other half is under the ruler sticking out has the green centers. I am not sure how to crochet them together so I am going to use a yarn needle and whip stitch them together. Then I will just put a ch 3 border around the outside of the whole thing. Whew!!! I am glad I am that close to the finish line. The very last step is sewing a label made with a strip of ribbon on to the back side that says "Crocheted with love for Gracie by Grandma Mundell 2015. " redhead/ Pattylast row crocheted on to 30 squares for twin bedspread!-001-jpg