I won the cutest e-book by Leisure Arts thru Fiber Flux! Jennifer emailed me and said I won out of 1000 people! It's called Ice Box Crochet, and you can crochet a refrigerator, it's a good size little fridge without being too big or little, with every kind of food you can think of, 98 pages full of it!

Egg cartons, eggs, cake, donuts, jar of pickles, can of soda, hamburgers, ice trays, ice, milk in a jug, juice in a carton, pizza, a turkey, watermelon, loaf of bread, all kinds of veggies, fruits, cookies, cake, cupcakes, butter .... you name it, lol! It is SO cute! I sure must be on a roll, that's 2 wins in less than 3 months... I'm going to make a fruit and veggie basket centerpiece for my kitchen table so this will help on that, then when I get caught up I'm starting on that fridge!

And I keep entering giveaways too!