Quote Originally Posted by Susan2014 View Post
patt Thank You, Im sorry for your miseries. You could be my daughter - heeh.Only have 1 son and 3 step-sons. I passed --my oldest in 2007, Bipolar & diabetis (sp). One Day I just may. Have a great winter (warm). Susan2014
Susan sweetie, thank you for the sweet words, but don't be sorry for me in what was my miserable times. What happened to me then and what I went through got me to where I am now. I will never be what I was in my younger days but my Psychiatrist and former Therapist have told me that I have grown a lot - and I know I have improved some too. I don't think I'll ever be fearless in crowds or with my other triggers, but right now I have a home, a cat, writing novels and crochet to keep me busy. I give crochet away or do orders if so inclined and I hope soon I can self-publish the first book in the series I wrote. I have bad days but I've lived through them and expect to keep doing so with the help I have and will continue to get as long as my insurance is active. I've made it so far, I'm not attempting suicide tho I think about it; when it gets bad I call for help and pick up my hook again while playing my favorite music pieces over and over. I have specific instrumental and vocal pieces that help lift me from the dark places and the crochet gives my fingers something to do other than hurt myself.
But I think I'd like to have a nice mom. Mine wasn't, she was horrid, and even now at my age I envy those who miss their departed mothers and wish they could have one more time with them again. I don't; I'm glad she's gone, she was that bad. Same with the sperm donor. Have always wished I had a set of good parents, how different my life might have been!
And our winter is predicted to be cold and wild, thanks for the warm wishes though! I shall bundle up.
Yours, Patt.