Hi everyone I haven't been on here much but I know when there is something really important where I need to go for help bc you all are awesome friends. My daughter and I have thought for years when her husbands father got visiting rights with her boys after their dad passed away, at 35 , from massive heart attack, that the grandfather, who is an alcoholic abuser, had sexually abused the boys. The other day the youngest told his friend that his grandfather molested him, he was only 4 at the time, this was the first time he admitted it so we went to the police today and an officer is going to talk to the boys in the morning. Please pray they will be open and honest with the officer, they are still afraid of the grandfather. The oldest won't admit that anything happened but it is so obvious bc of the changes we have seen in them both. They need to see that they deserve justice too and they need to get through this before they start having other problems bc of trying to hide this terrible secret. I am glad the youngest boy is talking finally, he told his therapist this week also, this has been a dark cloud hanging over us all for years but no one would listen to my daughter. I know God has a reason for using this time to get to the bottom of this I have to believe and hold on to this and know He will take care of my daughter and grandsons. Thank you to all of you I know you will pray for all of us. Love you all Winnie