Alright well I really need help and the type of help I need is advice and suggestions. I know many of you are incredibly great at crocheting and making things and I know a lot of you have been successful at being able to sell things.
We have a lot of things popping up recently like I need new glasses but unfortunately our medical assistance doesn't cover me for vision or dental for that matter so we will have to pay out of pocket for my new glasses. I also have more stress coming from college where apparently my grant wouldn't cover my textbooks for my classes even though it was supposed to so I have to pay back $146 to the college.
I wish I could get a job to help with costs but we don't exactly have anyone to watch our son and daycare isn't an option right now.
So I have to turn to crocheting to help me earn something. Please all I ask is for some ideas of what I could sell that would sell and maybe some advice on what yarn I could go for that won't make the money I am able to make just enough to cover what I used on yarn.
Please any advice and suggestions mean a lot.