First I want to thank the Lord for all of His Blessings over the past few months and especially since May first. I would also like to thank all of my wonderful friends here that feel like family to me. Your sweet messages, the lovely cards I have received with such wonderful notes of encouragement. I could feel your payers lifting me up and giving me the strength I needed to just put one foot in front of the other. I would never have made it without the prayers of Gods saints and knowing that Laura is truly in the arms of Jesus whole and healthy and singing praises to Jesus for His great love. I believe my other sister Diana is right there with Laura because of Gods amazing grace. I can't even begin to say how much I miss my dear twin sister she meant the world to me but she was ready to go and she is no longer suffering and I would not have asked for her to stay and miss one glorious day of Heaven and our Saviors face. But sometimes I wonder if I will ever quit crying. I have to go for now but I will be back and I truly thank God for all of you, I love you all. Winnie