Has anyone made an infant star afghan? I really want to make one but I wonder how practical it would really be
wrapping the baby in? Any feedback on that? I have three blankets to make. One for a neighbor, it is her second. Her first was a girl and she had me make it using San Jose Sharks colors. Turquoise, black and white. This time it is a boy. I have two skeins of teal and two of white that I bought for another project and couldn't return. Thinking a large granny square.

Then the receptionist at my dr office. She she is having a girl and likes purple. I bought two skeins in grape yarn, pretty bright and two white. Not sure of a pattern for this one. Then I had two cream one lavender and two lavender blue skeins left from another project. I'm thinking thinking of using these on a star afghan if people feel it is useful. I don't want to put money into a blanket that is not practical. If I get it done within two weeks any full left over skeins can be returned. I just made two blankets and bought two outfits for the nurse in the same office last month not knowing the receptionist was pregnant too. If I had known I would have mailed the nurses and asked her not to mention it. I have known the nurse for nine years and the receptionist for less than a year. The nurse is planning on coming back, the receptionist isn't. I feel however I have to do the same for both.

Feedback on the star?

Ideas for a blanket using a bright purple and white? What stitch to use.