Ok, so yesterday I made THE most wonderful discovery of ALL TIME!!!!!! Ok, maybe not THAT good, but it was pretty sweet!!!

There I was, happily starting to work on a new owl blanket and I was making some little owl motifs that are done in the round with double crochet. (This is the OH SO CUTE!!! pattern: Happy Owl Afghan ... by CraftyDebDesign | Crocheting Pattern)

In the pattern, she mentioned that you could start each round by chaining 3 and then doing double crochets around.. that's normal. Every pattern I have ever seen does it this way. Same with rectangular pieces, you do a turning chain, turn and continue.

HOWEVER!!! she mentioned you could also start out with a "no turning chain dc". My eyebrows raised! What is this I wondered??? I had to know! I was intrigued!! So after a quick google search, I found several youtube videos that show you how to do this wonderful little trick and now I will NEVER go back!! Imagine starting a row of double crochet with a double crochet! Wow!! and when you get back around to join to it, no more counting chains and hooking into the top of a turning chain. Just insert hook at the top of the nice little double crochet and slip-stitch your little heart out!

OMG! like I said.. it's the little things that excite me!! lol

Here's the video I found to show how to do it.. (cuz I hate it when people find cool stuff and then they don't link it!! I mean c'mon!