I find it gives me a lot of inspiration to hear about others projects and am wondering what others are working on today.

I am working on an other lapghan, I am finding I love this pattern. I first did 3 rows of HDC, then the Seed Stitch for several rows, then back to the HDC for 3 or 4 rows, and back to the Seed Stitch again, ending with 3 HDC rows.

Seed Stitch is simply-----
*HD in first stitch, SC in next*, and continue across the row. Your rows will alternate ending with either a SC or the next row will end in a DC.

Second row, you will alternate the opposite st over the previous row. (If you used a SC in the prev. row then you will DC in the second row)

I only ch up 2 for the turning chain to the next row when my first st will be a DC. When the first st is to be a SC just chain 1 as normal. This has given the edge such a nice solid edge and doesn't need any border on it.

I may try using a triple crochet then the SC to see if I like it that way too.

Seed Stitch makes a nice fabric that doesn't actually look like crochet, but not exactly like a knit stitch either.

If anyone needs better instruction on this st you can go to Youtube for a tutorial.

If you try it please let me know how you like it.

judi g