Hey, everybody. I'm hoping you're all having a wonderful day.

Counting stitches is not my fave thing to do, ughy, ughy.

However, counting the stitches is so important to a finished product turning out right.

Case in point. I'm making this thingy, which I guess should be called a shawl. My idea was make it as easy as I could on my nerves, not realizing when I started that I would be counting till my brains fall out on the floor. So, I decided to make a shawl about 60" wide and 20" from neck down to my lower back, in other words, to cover my whole back when sitting.

To do that I had to start with a long chain (I don't remember how many I did - just had hubby coaching...make it longer, lol!) and after doing double crochets across, I ended up with 79 stitches per row. umm. The entire shawl will be all double crochet, nothing fancy about it. Just a nice long cuddler kind of thing.

79 stitches per row. good grief. The first few rows were nice and even but then they went wonky. What to do, count the stitches in the rows that were even and then continue counting for EVERY row. (Woe is me ... my plan didn't include counting, just flat-out crocheting double crochets, row after row.)

The upshot is after frogging some 9 rows and starting from there with the counting, I have a nice rectangle building with nice, even rows.

Counting all 79 stitches at the end of each row catches any mistakes fast and I don't have to frog and redo numerous rows!

Next project will only have 19 stitches per row...LOL!