•An introduction to crocheting - Canadian Living

Slip knot
1. Make a loop, then hook another loop through it.
2. Tighten gently and slide the knot up to the hook.

Chain stitch (ch)
1. Yarn over hook (yoh) and draw the yarn through to form a new loop without tightening up the previous one.
2. Repeat to form as many chains (ch) as required. Do not count the slip knot as a stitch.

Slip stitch (sl st)
This is the shortest crochet stitch and unlike other stitches is not used on its own to produce a fabric. It is used for joining, shaping and where necessary carrying the yarn to another part of the fabric for the next stage.

Insert hook into work (second chain from hook), yarn over hook (yoh) and draw the yarn through both the work and loop on hook in one movement.

To join a chain ring with a slip stitch (sl st), insert hook into first chain (ch), yarn over hook (yoh) and draw through both the work and the yarn on hook in one movement.

Single crochet (sc)
1. Insert the hook into the work (2nd chain (ch) from hook on starting chain), *yarn over hook (yoh) and draw yarn through the work only.
2. Yarn over hook (yoh) again and draw the yarn through both loops on the hook.
3. 1 single crochet (sc) made. Insert hook into next stitch: repeat (rep) from * in step 1.

Half double crochet (hdc)
1. Yarn over hook (yoh) and insert the hook into the work (3rd chain (ch) from hook on starting chain).
2. *Yarn over hook (yoh) and draw through the work only.
3. Yarn over hook (yoh) again and draw through all three loops on the hook.
4. 1 hdc made. Yarn over hook (yoh), insert hook into next stitch (st); repeat (rep) from step 2.

Double crochet (dc)
1. Yarn over hook (yoh) and insert the hook into the work (4th chain from hook on starting chain).
2. *Yarn over hook (yoh) and draw through the work only.
3. Yarn over hook (yoh) and draw through the first two loops only.
4. Yarn over hook (yoh) and draw through the last two loops on the hook.
5. 1 dc made. Yarn over hook (yoh), insert hook into next stitch (st), repeat (rep) from step 2.

Cool site... Teresa