Hi Barbara

For handmade I sell more on Ebay than Etsy which is a bit odd. But I do like both Etsy and Ebay for handmade. Etsy has lower fees but not near the traffic Ebay has. Quality handmade really stands out on Ebay where on Etsy you have a lot more competition. A lot of people put Ebay down; but I have sold probably 4 to 1 more crochet scarves on Ebay than I have Etsy. Ebay has really changed over the last couple years in a good way! I know another woman that sells hand crocheted baby blankets on Ebay and sells like crazy.

Out of all venues Amazon is hands down the highest seller. But the learning curve is huge. I never recommend anyone sell on Amazon unless you have conquered Ebay first. We sell handmade jigs for paracord on Amazon and they sell like hotcakes. We also sell more crochet blades on Amazon then any other venue. But they are very strict. You have to ship very fast!