Hello to everyone!

A bit about me:

I have been crocheting for 20 some years. My grandmother taught me when I was really young. It is something I hold dear to my heart, especially since her passing in 2010.

I've recently become a stay at home mom (what a change from my normal 70 hour/7 days a week work schedule!) So to keep me busy (during napping hours, of course!) I've started taking custom orders from my friends and family. I'm also *thinking* about selling at craft shows (anyone with stories of craft show selling...I'd love to hear them!)

When my son wears hats that I've made for him I hear these two phrases more than anything else...
1. I can't believe you made that, you're so young!
2. Crochet is a dying art form

To the first, what does age matter?!? and the second, message boards like this prove it's not as dead as people think it is!

So happy to have found a place that shares in my passion

<3 Ms.B