My name is Annette, and my passion is crochet! I love working with fibers of all kinds, and designing new creations. I need to devote more time to writing down the patterns of the designs I come up with, which is a goal I have set for myself for the new year. (I hate stopping a project to take note and photos--I geat impatient, and want to keep creating till my project is complete!)
I also have an Etsy Shop @ httsp:// , where I am currently running a 35% off coupon sale of all shop stock. Currently I my inventory consists entirely of eye-catching, boutique-style hats.
I am working on somet new things too, which you can find on my Facebook page @
I am working on networking with other crocheters and crafters, so I would LOVE it if you stop by my Etsy Shop and/or my Facebook page--I would be so grateful for you to leave a short message, and "Like" my page.....I am working on getting more photos up, and things are looking good so far, I think....I am going to be teaching a crochet class at our local library, and am very excited about this! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, please feel free to communicate them to me--either here, or facebook. I am happy to be here, as well, and look forward to getting to know some of you, and your ideas on the wonderful art of living the crochet life!!!