Hello All,

My name is Nikki, I'm 33, Married with three children (ages 7, 9 and 11: two boys and one girl, the girl being the eldest!) from the United Kingdom.

I have been crocheting since August 2015 after being diagnosed with Endometriosis.

In between housework, school runs and looking for an employed job (been bringing up my family for the past ten years, now looking to go back to work!), I'm never not with a crochet hook in my hand, making either things for friends or family.

I am a self taught crocheter.

I just searched up this morning crochet forums, as I was looking for a place to connect with other like minded crocheters, not many people my age or in my area crochet, they seem to think only old ladies do what I do or those with mental health issues etc, which I think is pretty harsh! I am a strong believer if it makes you happy and you enjoy it, who cares what anyone thinks or says. I did join crochet related Facebook groups to connect with other crocheters etc but in all honesty, Facebook groups aren't my thing when it comes to connecting with people on a crochet level.

So decided to go old skool and this morning and look for crochet online "proper" communities and found Crochet Talk!

I am looking forward to connecting with new people and I hope to make some new friends along the way too!
