Hi everyone! I'm new to crochet. I've made a few basic things over the years like scarves, etc., but recently have started making doilies. My daughter is getting married in October, and she wants doilies. I never thought I'd fall in love with them, but I have...they're rather addictive!

All in all, I'm a serial crafter. I love anything to do with fabrics and fibers. I knit (again, basic stuff...relative newbie), quilt, sew, and love to build costumes for dancers, especially professional tutus. I also love playing with beads, sequins, and rhinestones.

Here's my big project right now. We need to make 75 of these...I've enlisted the help of my daughter's future sister in law. I don't know if we'll get them all done, but we sure will try! It's 'Small Doily in Cream Color' from Ravelry.

Greetings from Washington State!-wedding-favor-doily-jpg