I am a retired school Administrator retiring in 1996 with 28 1/2 years in education, and 18 of those years in school administration. I learned to crochet dollies when I was young but I didn't have time to do it when I was teaching. After I retired I decided to go back to crocheting, but making afghans too. I make afghans for gifts, mainly graduation presents. I make them out of their school colors with letters in them: The letters are the name of their mascot ex: panthers, the class of 2017, and the name of the school: ex, Mound City. I am finishing up my 4th afghan for this year. I take my crocheting with me everywhere I go. I always have a bag of something I am making that I can work on if I have to sit and wait on mu husband Donald.

We live on the farm and celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary in January. We have an RV and spent the winter in Texas in the Rio Grande Valley. We are usually gone 4 months.
We have three children, 2 girls and a boy. One daughter is deceased dying of cancer, 8 grandchildren, 6 boys, 2 girls, one granddaughter is deceased, 14 great-grandchildren, 10 boys, and 4 girls, One great-grandson is deceased. Eleven of those great-grand children are under 7 years of age. We have 2 sets of twins, 1set of girls and one set of boys.

I belong to the Daughters of the American Revolution where I hold the office of Regent. We will be going to Washington D. C.. at the end of June to the Continental Congress.
I also belong the Retired Teachers Association, and we are active in the Southern Baptist church where I hold the office of Secretary-Treasurer and Donald serves as a Deacon.

This is a little about me.

Betty Ireland