I go by Sweetmoma and I have been crocheting since I was 13. Almost 59 years ago. I learned by watching my Moma. I just didn't understand how she could use that tiny, tiny thread and make such beautiful doilies. But I was a teenager and didn't have time to sit still long enough to make anything--until I hit High School. That's when the crocheting bug hit me. So we sit down together and she taught me how to crochet. I'm so happy that she did because later on in life we use to sit together crocheting, talking about everything and anything. Until she got Alzheimer's Disease. Then she forgot everything about crocheting. She kept trying for a while, but she would get really aggravated so I would say I was tired or hungry. Anything to get her mind off of it. I lost Moma Dec. 26, 2009 and I'm just now wanting to get back into crocheting. I've been doing DIY things around my house. I'm re-facing a China Cabinet, I put up some tile behind my kitchen sink, I've been painting the rooms in our house and I think I have finally found the perfect color. I'm married to the most amazing, God fearing man and we've been married almost 32 years. He still opens all doors for me. So sweet and respectful. I have one beautiful daughter and she and her husband gave me 2 very handsome Grandsons. I have a wonderful Family but if it wasn't for God, I wouldn't have anything. I give God the Glory for everything. God is my life!!!!!