Hi, I'm a new member. I discovered this site while i was looking for instructions for chainless crochet, and got side-tracked. I started crocheting when I was about 10 years old and have been at it, off and on, ever since. I'm just returning (again) and already have 4 on-going projects. Christmas is looming on the horizon, and I've got so many ideas for gifts.

I've just discovered amigurumi (crocheted stuffed animals, and love working on them. They're so cute and there are so many great designs available. I just made the cutest pig (named Piggy Pie) for my best friend for her 81st birthday. It turned out so adorable that I almost kept it for myself. The Amigurumi are easy to do - worked in rounds, usually in single crochet. To start I purchased a pattern book at my local craft store, but there are lots of patterns on line as well.

They make terrific gifts for children or adults.