Hi Everyone,

This is my first time here, so I thought I would tell you a bit about myself. I have been crocheting ever since I was a young girl. And that's been over 40 years. I am self taught. When I was about 9 years old, I saw the most amazing crocheted lacy doily. It was so delicate and beautiful. I was fascinated by it. I knew at that moment, that I wanted to learn how it was made. So that's when I starting using every cent of my baby sitting money to buy the supplies and instructional books I needed. And I found that I took to it very easily and was hooked for life.

Believe it or not, I find crocheting a lot easier than knitting, which I also tried, but failed at. Although my favorite type of crocheting is thread crochet, I have worked on many other crochet projects using yarn, such as blankets, booties, hats, purses, and many more.

One thing though, I have never been very good at reading crochet symbol charts. I find it a lot easier to work on a pattern that is written out. So my goal now is to learn how to read the symbols, and if I still find them confusing, I hope to at least be able to decipher them enough to be able to convert them to written instructions.

Well, don't want to ramble on too long. Just want to say I'm glad I'm here. Maybe I'll find some wonderful tips and ideas for projects. And maybe I can be of help to someone else. No matter how experienced someone is, I believe there is always something to learn.