I'm new to this site. I started wanting to do needlework when I was 3 yrs old. My great grandmother and great Aunt Julia were sitting on the porch swing, GGrandma knitting mittens and Aunt Julia crocheting pansies on the corner of handkerchiefs and the lacy edging. I wanted to knit like grandma but she said that she had just enough yarn to finish the mitten and did Aunt Julia have an extra hook and a little crochet cotton. She said yes and started a chain. I don't know how I did with the chain but I knew my work didn't look like Aunt Julia's hankies. I threw myself on the floor. I remember GGrandma trying to pick me up and grandmum came to the screen door to see what was going on. GGRandma said very firmly to grandmum, "Go get her mother." I don't know what happened after that. It was probably so traumatic that I blocked it out of my memory forever. I was from the hills of PA. There was nothing for a teen to make any extra money so I knit mittens and sold them for the added expenses of my sophomore, junior and senior years in high school. Can't sit down without some kind of needlework in progress.