I am a mother of five in Arizona. I relocated here more than 20 years ago from Seattle Wa. and hope to relocate back, I need some rain. All my children are grown and gone except for my youngest daughter. She was born with down syndrome but she is not only my daughter but my best friend.
I took up the art of crotchet when I was around 8 years old, however, at that age my attention span was very short and all I made then were really long chains. I watched my mother crotchet and started to crotchet again about a year ago ( now that my attention span is much longer). I like to create my own patterns because the free ones I see on the net are ummm to put it bluntly, really ugly.
I actually like knit better because its not as 'holy' as crotchet tends to be. I just don't get how to knit, how the needles are held and to read the patterns. So its easier to crotchet.