I learned to crochet the basics 50 years ago from my grandmother. She lived in another state and so I never learned much more. When I first started, I crocheted everything to tight and everything curled. I have finally conquered the problem and have been working on crocheting more difficult patterns. I crocheted a set of dinosaurs for my grandson last year that he loves and sleeps with every night. I have crocheted hats on circular looms for all my granddaughters and family members. I just crochet a new hat where I learned 3 new stitches and am working out a matching pattern for a scarf. I am hoping that the newsletters will allow me to grow and learn more stitches.

I'm looking forward to reading your posts and learning from you. I feel crocheting like so many other arts is becoming extinct. I am hoping to get good enough so that I can teach my grandchildren (my daughter isn't interested). They seem to enjoy the things I make for them.