I joined the forum a few months ago and have lingered in the back ground until this past week when I posted a couple pictures. My husband and I retired (I am 64) and moved to Conway, SC in Oct. 2012. I am originally born and raised in Lake Co.,OH and lived there until our move to SC. (Lake Co. is east of Cleveland, right on Lake Erie, BRRRRRR) - very happy living within 20 - 30 minutes of Myrtle Beach.
I learned to crochet as a child and made many gifts throughout the years. This year I thought I would sell my items at craft fairs locally, since this area is very big on festivals and craft fairs. But have decided I don't want to go that route, so will try e-bay and possibly setup a webpage on one of the craft sites.
I crochet at least a couple hours per day, most often 5 - 10 hours. It is so relaxing and I love the feeling of accomplishment with a beautiful baby dress or shawl.
I am currently working on a Pineapple Swirl Runner for a lady. She has ordered 4 doilies and these are the frist ones I have ever made. Coming along nicely.
Nice to meet all of you -