New Member - HELLO!-opal-ann-lady-leisure-jpg

Hello everyone! My handle is "greydogsma" because I am a Weimaraner "Mom"!
My maternal grandmother first introduced me to crochet when I was a little girl but I had a "death grip" on the hook and yarn and lost interest in it at the time.
Here I am decades later trying to re-learn the basics and improve on the few crochet skills I have learned. Would love to connect with a patient mentor who can help me perfect the basic crochet skills and help me to hopefully be able to read a crochet pattern. I've been flying by the seat of my p.j.'s here making a few simple things like scarves and a simply stitch (double crochet all the way!) afghan for my old dog who has cancer. I did take a very short beginner crochet class at my local senior center this past Fall, but I am hungry to learn more!!!
Thank you for letting me join the Crochet Talk forum. I am sure it is just what I need to get some expert help from life-long crochet artists. Bonjour!