Hello to all here and I am excited to be here and hope to have good fun and to be able to learn and share with everyone. I am a young 60 year old married female,I live in North Carolina. USA I have been crocheting since I was 12, one of my teachers taught me how during recess time when I was not feeling well enough to go out and play. I am grateful for that time. I later in life taught my now 86 year old mother how to crochet and she enjoys making baby blankets, booties,hats, sweaters. She uses the same stitch over and over but she crochets instead of taking arthritis medicine. We are in a local group of crocheters and knitters that make chemo hats, scarfs, and lap throws to send to 4 separate cancer hospitals in our area, we send over 100 to each of the 4 facilities a month and we meet on Mondays and Thursdays for 3 hours each day. This time I feel is two fold, I enjoy spending the time with my mother because know one is promised our next breath and I ant to be with her as often as I can,plus we benefit cancer patients both men and woman.
I have only learned to knit this year, I have made many hats using the circular needles and I am quiet fond of this effort and craft. I look forward to being here with each of you and engaging in all that this Crochet Talk offers...God bless you all...Jeanne