Please forgive me if it seems that I don't check in alot,but I have been lurking when I find some quiet time in this crazy world of mine.
My boy friend of 17 years has finally decided to buy a house so a hunting we have been and a hunting we will go until we find home permently well in the middle of house hunting and packing up the townhouse I decided to fight for custody of my 2nd grandson whom just turned 8,His Father had custody up until december of last year when he put him on a plane from Denver Col to NYC to his mother(my oldest daughter) Well we drove down and spent the night in the parking garage of JFK just to be there in time for her to get him off the plane.She then moves in with an old friend,but just ups and leaves her son with them for about 2 months,then I pick him up for a weekend visit didn't take him back there this was around Easter.My daughter then moves in with us after leaving her latest boyfriend.I'm sorry to say here that she lasted until june 30rth,she leaves my townhouse to go and see her new boyfriend in jail and decides she needs alone time!