Yes, you read the title correctly! My mind is filled with so many ideas and things to do. As a planner, I organize and prioritize my time, but I want to just toss that to the wind; just for a day or two and flow with the wind!

It's a good thing I made my weekly shopping trip and shopped for groceries yesterday!

These are some of my ideas and things to do:

make cards
write a letter
prep items for mailing
watch movies
cook dinner
mop the kitchen floor
sort some items AND
prep box for charity pick-up

Well, I've made a decision. I'm going to put all these great ideas in a bowl and pull, if it isn't my choice, back in the bowl it'll go until I choose the right one!hah
One activity at a time, 'til I say no more!

It is the weekend! It is the weekend! It is the weekend! I can catch up next week, right?

And how will you spend your time?